Article: RamTang' Cello: Where it all began...

RamTang' Cello: Where it all began...
I am feeling nostalgic. I am reminiscing on where RamTang’ Cello’s all began and why I started to make it. This led me back to my collection of B&B stories I wrote up years ago when I used to blog.
It is called Orange Cake & Limoncello – I was so fortunate to have so many meetings with people from all around the world thanks to my B&B but there were times when it was restrictive and lonely, as I was housebound waiting for people to arrive or be on call if they needed me.
To fill my time I made jams, cakes, marmalade, vinaigrettes and more but after a while I wanted a new challenge. Enter Limoncello. I started off using Vodka before upgrading to Spirytus after Poland joined the EU.
My first attempts where not very good… but after years of experimentation and refinement and a long lockdown I managed to crack the Cello formula and I am proud of what I have created and the vision I am bringing to market.
I hope you enjoy reading my B&B story, I have a few more I look forward to sharing in the future.
Orange Cake & Limoncello
In late October, 1996 a lovely Italian girl arrived on a Sunday afternoon, she was booked in for four weeks, to brush up on her English before her next set of engineering exams.
She brought a bottle of her Nonna’s Limoncello, we drank the whole bottle that night. I remember it tasting delicious if a little sweet, I awoke the next day with headache and a new friendship. She confided in me that only 10 days before arriving she’d met a man and was ‘in love’, so soon after having just broken up with her childhood sweet heart.
Within a few days she asked if her new ‘man’ could visit and stay for a long weekend. Curious to meet him I said ‘yes, of course’.
He arrived beaming from ear to ear, carrying an orange cake, compliments of the chef from his pizzeria he owned in Bologna. I was charmed and the proceeding days where a whirlwind of love and laughter. He returned three more times over the course of her stay, my lovely student was head over heels.
We bonded over those weeks and shared many meals and stories, I felt like an older sister to her, it prompted me to caution her about entering into a new relationship so quickly after leaving the last.
She departed; we kept in touch and a year later they both came back to see me. I was so excited to see them again and hear their news. They arrived, showing me their newly appointed wedding rings, announcing that this was the start of their honeymoon, which they wished to share with me before embarking on a tour of the UK on their BMW motorbikes.
This is the magic of hospitality. You never know who is going to walk through the front door.